Exclusively Spine Physical Therapy, LLC accepts most insurance plans. We will be happy to check your policy to verify your physical therapy benefits and file all insurance claims.

Below is a list of the insurance companies that we are currently contracted to be in network. We also take out of network benefits for services. If your insurance company is not on this list please contact us to check the status of their contract. Keep in mind some insurance companies use network administrators and may not be listed under the insurance company name.
If you have any questions regarding your insurance coverage for our services, please call our office at (623) 776-7577.
- American PPO
- Arizona Foundation for Medical Care
- Aetna
- Beech Street
- Clarispointe, Inc.
- Coastal Comp Health Networks
- Corvel
- Evolutions Healthcare Systems, Inc.
- First Health/CCN
- Focus Healthcare Management
- Fortified Provider Network (FPN)
- Galaxy Health Network
- Global Medical Management
- Health Management Network
- Health Network America, Inc. /Triveris
- Independent Medical Systems
- Integrated Health Plan (IHP)
- Interplan Health Group/IHG (Accountable/Interplan)
- Multiplan/BCE
- National Choicecare, Inc. (NCC PPO)
- National Preferred Provider Network (NPPN)
- Preferred QSP
- Prime Health Services, Inc.
- Private Healthcare Systems (PHCS)
- Procura Management, Inc.
- Provider Select, Inc.
- Rockport Healthcare Group, Inc.
- Schaller Anderson of Arizona
- The Reny Company
- Three Rivers Provider Network (TRPN)
- TLC Advantage, LLC
- Tricare
- United Healthcare
- USA Managed Care Organization
- HealthSmart Preferred Care
- Health Payors Organization (HPO)
Other insurance accepted:
Please call the office to verify: (623) 776-7577